Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why Is Travel Insurance Important?
by Efefiong Akpan

    Travel is subject to unforeseen misfortunes, therefore the uncertainty constitute risks, which can be reduced if an average traveler has travel risks coverage; particularly when one can never predict how serious a loss might be. Travel insurance among other types, enables credit or cash compensation for such losses therein experienced.
    Accordingly travel Insurance is pre-arranged protection policy or cover offered or acquired for unforeseen problematic or harmful circumstances through a journey period. Travel problems usually include flight delays, loss of baggage, theft of money, health/ medical, even loss of lives. International travelers, especially tourists need travel insurance to help recovery from such misfortunes. A clear example was the loss of tourist lives in the September 11, 2001 terrorist airplane crashes into notable targets in the US, and the South East Asian Tsunami 2004, which may have affected with their called tsunami' impacts.

    Given the frequency of inconveniences away from home, there is a big advantage in a comprehensive travel policy, including air ambulance support, even contingent cash just in case. . In case of illnesses or accidents, the United States Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), for example covers overseas travels, making other covers unnecessary; but those on Medicare will certainly need special travel arrangement, from their travel agents.
   However accident insurance could also cover losses and delays, through 24hr medical support. Trips outside the US and Canada usually have covers of 100dollars per night. Chances are that you will have best foreign hospital treatment, if you worked closely with your medical protection provider. Therefore early payment for accident indemnity will assure you to travel or not to.
   To be self assured in addition to your travel insurance, airport signs must be subconsciously understood, given travel excitement, likely to obscure thoughts about luggage termini. This is the moment thieves exploit. Therefore aside from budgeting, a check list is necessary as it is better to be prepared than regret loss. Otherwise in any case of loss during travel, it is important to call while you are still away; and make available policy papers to have your claims promptly.
   Take note: foreign cash credit card withdrawals are usually treated as cash advance, subject to interest charges, meaning conversion loss, plus or minus 3dollars service charge. Finally with a well planned travel, there are chances you will a very enjoyable trip, especially in countries where services are either at the whims of service providers, or criminal preys. Especially in developing countries, where the service industry is not quite developed: you might end in wrong hands without proper airports identification.

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